
SyzonSystem is a utilitarian furniture to be fitted within the Singapore dormitory context to enhance the living condition of foreign workers. As space and personalization is a major constraint in their lives, a modular bed is implemented with a personal shelving at the bottom for personal storage. The shelf also acts as a seating area for gathering or as a place to sit and relax, rather than to sit on and thus dirty the bed.

Two padded leather cushions are designed to add some comfort while seating. A middle food holding area is implemented to act as a food holder and at the same time to act as a personal storage of valuable items when the bed is folded. A metal reel is designed to allow for the hanging of day clothings. This allows the clothes to be aired and keeps them fresh and available for the next day.


Quek Wee Jun

Wee Jun’s design thinking is based on a strong belief in improving one's life with product design and functionality. He enjoys taking the bold and risky move through user centric design to enhance functionality and convenience for users.